Thursday, March 13, 2014

Blog Post 8

In this weeks class experience and readings I wanted to come up with the question of "If it is not about the test, why is it that the test are all we hear about?" Why is it that we base everything off of the test scores that the students are receiving. We never try and factor in the teachers, stress, outside life whether it is problems at home or living in poverty. The biggest effect this has on the school is that the state will not give them funding based on these test scores and that should not be the case. This problem they have with the test scores and funding is a big problem because the schools will get under funded and this puts kids at a disadvantage with learning because they will not have the best resources for them available. There are a lot of different factors that can prevent a kid from learning so while they are at school they should not have to worry about having the best stuff or the worst stuff. It should all be provided for them so that they can succeed at the highest level.

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